As a commercial driver, you could face fines, suspension or even revocation of your license. CSA is fully active: defend your livelihood today with our CDL Defender™ legal insurance. We pay your attorneys fees.
Be prepared to meet your legal needs with our CDL Defender™ legal insurance plan. We’ll be there to keep points off your driving record, reduce fines, keep CDLs from being suspended or revoked — we’ll keep you on the road, earning money for you and your family. Through our years of experience, 92 percent of drivers represented in court by U.S. Legal Services are satisfied with the results. Unlike other legal insurance plans, U.S. Legal Services pays 100 percent of all your attorney fees for representation for covered issues.
With new FMCSA rules in effect on August 23, 2014, positive courtroom dispositions such as dismissals and not-guilty verdicts on roadside inspection citations will now be reflected on a driver’s or carrier’s record. Having the CDL Defender™ on your side can help you take full advantage of this rule, helping you attain a favorable outcome that is accurately reflected on your good driving record. Our network attorneys and CDL customer service team understand FMCSA regulations and how they can affect your livelihood, and are ready to guide you through the process.
Our low-cost legal insurance plan provides coverage while you’re on the job or in your personal vehicle, and covers your spouse, too. It also provides coverage for pre-existing matters, many personal legal issues, financial coaching and identity theft. With U.S. Legal Services, we defend you and your family with lawyers who know the rules of the road. We can even assist with CSA DataQs Challenges.
These are summaries of the coverage you receive with the CDL Defender™. Once you’ve reviewed them, begin the enrollment process to get the coverage of legal insurance
All moving and non-moving for both carriers and drivers covered at 100% which means U.S. Legal pays the attorneys’ hourly rate!
- Unsafe Driving
- Fatigued Driving
- Driver Fitness
- Controlled Substances/Alcohol
- Vehicle Maintenance
- Cargo-Related
- Crash Indicator
- DataQ Challenges
- Consultation services
- Identity theft protection
- Coverage for spouse in both commercial and personal vehicles
- Financial coaching
- Discounted legal services for personal matters